Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hoxie Bardex Bros Circus (Fred Hoffman)

As you can probably tell the picture on the left is a trailer with animal cages.
The one on the right is a Hippo Pit show. I beleive that was owned by Doc Bartok.
Doc Bartok was an old Medicine Man who sold a cure all remedy know as Bardex.
He told Me that he used to play Salisbury with his Tent Show on the West Side.
He was there about a month when all the Merchants on that side of town came and asked
when he was leaving as he spoiled all their businesses. And I remember the old Hayman's Drug Store, corner of Main and Lake in Salisbury, carried his Bardex Medicine right up in the 1960's.
And still had calls for it!

Hoxie Bardex Circus (Fred Hoffman)

I'm not sure of whose Elephants are in this picture.
The truck on the right was one half of the sideshow banner line.

Hoxie Bardex Circus 1963 (Fred Hoffman)

Once again thank you Fred Hoffman for these pictures of the Hoxie - Bardex Circus.
Now Fred says these were taken in 1963 but the more I think about it I beleive these were 1962. The first year Hoxie brough back Hoxie Bros Circus was 1961 and Doc Bartok was his Agent. The show went over so well that the next tear they became partners. But it only last the one year. The next year Hoxie was once again by hime self and Doc hooked up with the Cristiani Family and formed the United Nations Circus. If I'm wrong about the year I stand to be corrected.

Little Richard's Foods


Circus Stamps

Here's an interesting find. I just found these circus stamps. I guess Bill bought these when they first came out. I see they are 29 cent stamps. So they had to have been issued some years ago!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pony Swim

Click on the Title to read about the Assateague Pony Swim in Chincoteague, VA

Dick & Bill 1959

Brother Bill, in the clown make-up, used to take his miniature circus to different events.
This was the first time and of course I had to help. This was in 1959 and we both were Juniors in High School. He appeared at many local events on the Eastern Shore and of course his display kept growing bigger and bigger. He loved to tell folks the history of the circus and helped many shows that came through our area get some extra publicity. One time Art Miller was booking on of the corporations shows, King Bros or Sells & Gray, and Bill had dinner with him. He was known at have remarked that Bill knew more about circus history than he ever forgot. That was quite a compliment comming from an old time agent.

Beers & Barnes #1

This morning I thought I'd go back to a little circus history. Beers & Barnes was a small show out of Miami that used to tour in the east. These pictures were taken in 1957. It was a long time fixture in small and medium size towns up and down the East Coast. I'm not sure if the played in the mid-west or not. It was owned by Charles Beers and Harold Barnes. Mr Barnes was the father of Dave Hoover's wife Lois.
I remember a funny story told to us by our ex-partner Dave Wharton. And I belive it took place just about in this time frame that these pictures were taken.
Dave was just a kid from Centerville, MD and was spending his summer clowning on the show.
So he asked Mr Beers and Mr Barnes if he could sell coloring books on the show to earn a few extra dollars. Well at first they had never heard of such a thing but decided to let Dave sell them. After the first week and they saw young Dave was doing pretty well with the books they called him aside one day. They told him and they had a board of directors meeting and the board had decided that from now on the show would sell the coloring books and Dave could have a small percentage! Well of course the Board consisted of Mr Beers and Mr Barnes!
One last tid-bit-Dave Hoover presented his Lions on the show. One year they were playing in Berlin, MD and Dave had an incident with one of the cats and had to be brought to Salisbury to the emergency room.


This is the baby elephant that Bill and I bought from an attraction in Ocean City, MD back in 1971. He was only a couple of years old and green. (Meaning he was not broke to do anything yet) We kept Him that winter and in the Spring Bob Snowden called us and said if we wanted to sell him he had a buyer. Well it turned out to be Dory Miller. We delivered him to Chico's Monkey Farm in Richmond Hill, GA. And there was a Carson & Barnes semi waiting for him. They took him to Buckles place in Ruskin and he told us that he was broke and doing a single in no time at all! Naturally the next season our good friend Freddy Logan told us he would have broke him for us if we had called him. Well Guffy was over there for a couple of years and then we heard Dorey had sold him to Mexico. I'm not sure in the picture on the left which one he is but he's definitely the one on the right with Buckles wife.

Pete (Poobah) Terhune

My Friend Pete "Poobah" Terhune takes a break on the Bally Platform in front of Ward Hall's World of Wonders sideshow. Pete's been with Ward and Chris a long, long time. He's a fire-eater, human blockhead and snake charmer.


I musy apologize for not having anything new posted today.

My computer is at the "Docotor's" undergoing a check up.

I'm at work right now but I am going to try to make some post later from here.

As you know I try to have new posts every day.

Thanks for understanding and keep visiting me.


Wrestling Matches

While we owned the Drive-In Resturant we got involved with Ed McMahon Sr., Capitol Wrestling Promoters, out of Washington. (The Dad of Vince McMahon Jr).
We did this off and on for about three years. This was before the resurgence of the sport.
And I can truthfully say that we never lost a dime doing it. Not the biggest money maker but a steady one. We even sponsored it on the local TV station on Saturday afternoons!

The Colonel & The Mayor

We went all out to promote this show. We knew we had a winner, but not how big a winner!
We had Senators and Congressmen attend. Even had the Navy Color Guard from Washington present the Colors before the Show!
We had four standing room only shows!
To tell you the ruth we'd have been in trouble if the Fire Marshall had come on the last Show on Sunday. Even had a Press Party with the Champaign Foutain!

A Dykes Bros. Promotion 1970

This is without a doubt the biggest promotion we were ever involved with.
Jack Beck, from Philadelphia, was the Herrmman's Agent. We contacted Him and He said there was no chance they would show in a building with only 2500 seats. But Boston crapped out on them so they decdided to show Salisbury. What a break for us!

Tiny and Allan

This shot was taken in Rocky Mount, NC on the Great American in 1985.
Tiny Tim is congratulating Allan on the rising of a new big top.
God Bless Both of Them.

Pete's Birthday

Doug Ford and Us use to give Pete a Party every year on his Birthday.
Pete's stage name is Poobah. He's one heck of a fire eater, snake charmer and human block head!
You can still find him with Ward Hall's World of Wonders sideshow.

Coloring Book Pitch

Well here is yours truly hitting the hardwood with the prizes for the Cole Show coloring book pitch.
Most of the books, but not all of them, contain a magic star on the inside cover.
If yours has one you WIN!
This is either the late 80's or early 90's

Bill Hill 1985

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I've got to apologize this is not Bobby Wyman, but Allan Hill's Dad THE GREAT BILL HILL!
This was the day in Rocky Mount when we got the new big top. Season of 1985

Another Milestone

Well Today the Blog just surpassed the 1,000 hit mark.
Thanks to everyone. Please tell your friends about the blog.
You know what they say "The more the merrier!"
And there's a lot more to come.
Please let me know your comments as it boosts my ego!

Farewell State Fair #1

These photos appeared in this mornings Delaware State News paper.

Farewell State Fair #4

And We say Adios to this year's Delaware State Fair!

Phils Bros #1

Here's a beautiful small show that was taken out for a couple of seasons by our friend
Bill Phillips, from New Jersey. I think it was a beautiful little show. Beleive these pictures were taken next to the Railroad Museum in Strasburg, PA.
The Circus Model Builders were having a Model Show there one weekend.
You'll notice the Elephant in the forground. That was JoAnne Wilson's Elephant and she also had her Dog Act there too. I can't for the life of me remember the rest of the show.
Bill also ran promotions for an indoor show in the winter.
This was in the early 90's.

Phils Bros #2

Here's the Front End. Looks like they're just starting to flash the garbage joint.

Phills Bros #3

Here's the inside of the Big Top