Saturday, July 3, 2010


Circus a resounding success

By: Dave Moran Posted: Friday, July 2, 2010
MERIDEN – Saying something is “like a circus” is generally not a complement.
But in Meriden, in the wake of five resoundingly successful shows by Cole Bros. Circus of the Stars this past week, that phrase may soon take on a new meaning.
Cole Bros., billed as “the world’s largest circus under the big top,” and in operation since 1884, rolled into town early Wednesday morning and quickly proceeded to erect a 25,000-square foot tent on the city-owned Hub property between Pratt and State streets for four scheduled shows Wednesday and Thursday.But reaction to the circus was so popular, and show tickets were snapped up so quickly, that Cole Bros. added a fifth unscheduled show Thursday evening simply to accommodate demand.
“That’s very rare, especially on a weekday,” according to Rodney West, the circus’ marketing director. “We were thrilled, absolutely thrilled, about the turnout.”
West said that three of Cole Bros. five shows were sellouts – the tent could accommodate 2,000 spectators – and that the afternoon show Wednesday afternoon and the unscheduled performance Thursday evening both drew well over 1,500 spectators.



A white horse and an empty tent on the Saxe Middle School field will be replaced by circus performers and residents tonight and tomorrow. (Martin V. Hersam Photo)

Family Circus Vidbel comes to town July 1 and 2

Written by Rachel Kirkpatrick, Assistant Editor Thursday, 01 July 2010

People are saying, ‘What — circus, here?’ They just can’t believe it.”
It’s the reaction Kiwanis Club member Kathleen Holland has heard from those who’ve read about the first-ever family circus coming to the Saxe Middle School athletic field this week.
Today, Thursday, July 1, and tomorrow, Friday, July 2, at 3 and 6 p.m., families will have the opportunity to watch the acrobatic maneuvers, visual wonders and animal-friendly performances of Circus Vidbel, a family-run circus featuring some 10 acts.
“It’s affordable, family fun,” Holland said.

read more at:


Twelve-year-old juggler Ty Tojo looks like he was born to perform.
Family fun at Circus Sarasota
By Jay Handelman
Published: Friday, July 2, 2010.

Circus Sarasota is building a new summer tradition with the annual shows it produces with the Ringling Museum at the Historic Asolo Theater.
This year's show, "Circus, Cirque, Circo: A Family Tradition," lives up to its title with an generations of family connections to the circus.
The hour-long show is just right for family audiences, particularly because of the performances of some young stand-outs.
For example, 11-year-old Alex Perez makes his Rolla Bolla balancing act look almost simple. He balances a board on rollers, stands on it and pulls hoops up his legs and over his body. By the end, he raises the stakes by putting even more rollers on the table.
The show's real stand-out is the closing act of 12-year-old juggler Ty Tojo, who looks like he was born to his act. He moves with grace, speed and a look of personal joy, as he juggles up to five balls over his head, around his back and through his legs in well-choreographed moves to recorded music. He also plays around with a large robotic head attached to a pole that he balances on his forehead.
Chiara Anastasini, representing the ninth generation of a circus family, barely looks like she's moving as she spins an increasing number of hula hoops around her waist, legs and wrist.
The Dancing Gauchos get the show off to a lively and loud start, banging on drums and spinning Boleadoras (ropes with small balls at the end), including a brief segment in blacklight that makes the rope look like a giant fan.

read more at:


Penelope (right), from the Carson & Barnes Circus, meets with Norwalk Mayor Sue Lesch Friday to inform her about the visit July 20 and invite her to participate in the circus. Mayor gets special invitation to circus
By EMILY CARDWELL - Special to the Reflector Friday July 02 2010
The 74th edition of the Carson & Barnes Circus is coming to the Huron County Fairgrounds on July 20.
Show times will be 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. with ticket prices at $7 for both adults and children. Penelope was in town Friday morning to meet with Norwalk Mayor Sue Lesch and invite her to participate in the circus.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I must apologize.
But this morning I had problems with my computer at home.
It looks like it will be out of commission for a few days.
So I'm posting today's posts from my office.
Unfortunately I had some posts that I had planned to use
today but I guess they will have to wait until the computer is repaired!
Thanks For visiting The Balloon Man and as soon I as I can get
things back to normal I will continue to post what I can
from my office.


Zirka Circus
Zirka Circus, Epsom,

1 July 2010 – 18 July 2010
Zirka Circus is a brand new circus, the first new circus to hit the New Zealand scene in many years.
Zirka Circus has a contemporary show featuring beautiful costumes and choreography as well as death defying acrobats and unbelievable feats of human strength and bravery.
The show features 30 incredible international acrobats, clowns and magic. All wrapped up in a beautiful love story.


A brief history of the circus: Part one
Halifax News Net
During the last 40 or so years, individuals and organized groups throughout the world, have voiced their objections to the practices associated with traditional circuses and they have succeeded in making two significant changes. The new trend in circuses is to train and hire highly skilled, creative professionals, many of whom are Olympic athletes, and to humanely treat any animals that may be involved.
Nova Scotia’s SPCA convinced our Ministry of Natural Resources to develop and implement a set of regulations regarding circus animals. Because of that, as of May, 2000, circuses performing in NS cannot include bears, non-human primates, seals, walruses, whales, porpoises, frogs, toads and other amphibians, bull elephants, fish, hybrids other than mules, or any reptiles other than pythons and boas. All circus animals to be allowed into NS must be examined by a licensed vet and must be checked by a vet every six months. Carefully documented medical records must also be kept for each animal. If an animal must be euthanised, only a veterinarian can perform that task.
The regulations also state that all circus animals must have clean, appropriate accommodation, access to fresh air, clean water, nutritious food, contact with other members of their species, exercise facilities, sound hygiene practices, respect and positive reinforcement. No animal may be punished physically or forced to perform. The use of fire in animal acts will not be allowed and animals cannot be expected to do any trick that carries a high risk of injury.
Animal trainers must be educated about the species itself and use training methods that meet the highest standards for success, safety and humane treatment.
When the George Carden International Circus came to perform in NS in the summer of 2000, it was turned away because it did not meet our standards. The circus moved on to NL where charges were laid against the ringmaster and a trainer for undue privation and neglect of animals. They were convicted and fined.
An exciting new kind of circus is Montreal’s Cirque du Soleil which has no animal acts at all. It began as a group of street performers (buskers) in 1984 and has now travelled and hired performance artists all over the world. Such skilled performers as dancers, clowns, musicians, gymnasts, swimmers and martial artists, supported by professional representatives of every 21st century area of expertise, all work together to give each show a story to tell and each attendee a memory to cherish.
Thanks in a large part to Canada, the circus has come a long way!


By: Dave Moran June 30, 2010
MERIDEN - Billed as "the world's largest circus under the big top," Cole Bros. Circus of the Stars rolled into town this morning and proceeded to set up for the first of four shows on the city-owned Hub site today and tomorrow.
More than 25 trucks and 100 workers arrived early this morning - not to mention the elephants, tigers and camels - and the shows will be performed under a 25,000-square foot circus tent that takes about five hours and 50 people to setup.
There will be two two-hour shows today and tomorrow, at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., with tickets costing $17 for adults and $12 for children ages two to 12.
"I just wanted to see the elephants," said Sharon Knight, a Meriden resident who lives across the street from the Hub and was on hand Wednesday morning watching the workers setup. "I've never been to the circus before."


Circus Fans,

The Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT, was indeed struck by the tornado that did severe damage to structures in the downtown Bridgeport vicinity. You may visit the Barnum's website to view photographs of the damage. There is damage to many artifacts on exhibit on the museum's first floor and items in storage in basement storage areas. Windows on the first floor were shattered.

Like many such venues at these tough times, funds are short. You may be able to help by making a donation specifically to rescue items that we, as circus fans, care deeply about. I have received many calls and emails asking about the damage. I encourage you to visit the website and see for yourself. There is a link to make a contribution.

Our members that live within a short distance of the area are all ok and none rejport any damage. Longtime CFA member Sandi Cole, who works for the Red Cross is deployed in Bridgeport. Sandi normally deploys to far away places and finds it odd to be working in a disaster area within an hour of home. She is working early morning to midnight. Sandi told me last night that more rain came down yesterday and three damaged buildings collapsed.

This tornado strike in Bridgeport, CT was no small matter! If you are able to do so - I think this an opportunity to direct attention to a very specific and urgent need.


Gary C. Payne
Eastern Vice President
Circus Fans Association of America


Circus Still On Despite Alex

By Jose Luis Martinez
Posted : Jun 29, 2010

CORPUS CHRISTI- The Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey circus came into town Tuesday and despite the threat of heavy rains and wind tomorrow, circus officials say the show will go on.
Crews were busy unloading elephants, horses and some of the other animals that will be performing at the circus Wednesday through Sunday.
The animals travel around the country in specially equipped trains and care for them is non-stop.
Special precautions will be taken to protect the circus animals and performers from Alex.
That includes bringing them indoors.


Circus plans shows in Dresden, LitchfieldBy Betty Adams badams@centralmaine.comStaff Writer Circus, circus.After the hoopla of Whatever Week in the capital region, fun activities continue with the arrival of the Walker Bros. Circus, which will perform two shows in Dresden on Tuesday and two in Litchfield July 9.
The shows are 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Along with the usual circus fare, this year’s tour of the Walker Bros. Fair features Liberty ponies and a comedy pig act, said Kelly Fairchild, of the circus’ marketing department. There are clown acts, aerialists and jugglers. There are no exotic animals, such as elephants.
The yellow-and-red big top will be erected on Route 27 in Dresden, where the shows are sponsored by the Dresden Fire Association.
Then the 40-person cast and crew relocate to Union on July 7; and Camden, July 8 before setting up at the Litchfield Fairgrounds July 9.
“Everybody has two or three jobs, and everybody pitches in and helps,” Fairchild said.
The circus is a movable fete, relocating every day while on tour.
“Typically, we’re up at 5 a.m., and we would travel to the next lot,” Fairchild said.
Most times, the new site is within an hour or two of the old. The workers set up the tent, take a break and then open the midway an hour before showtime, Fairchild said.
The two performances are essentially back-to-back. Then they begin to take down the tent almost immediately.
Fairchild said the circus can accommodate 1,200 spectators per show. Adult tickets are $14; free children’s tickets are available locally.
The circus is on tour May through October and spends the remainder of the year performing at its headquarters in Sarasota, Fla. The Walker Bros. Circus has been performing for about 20 years.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


This is the first of a set of three sets of Hoxie Pictures,
I'm sorry I don't have any info on these, but maybe some of our
friends will help identify or date these pictures.

I can identify the three gentlemen in the above picture.
With his back to the camera, i beleive, is Buzzy the canvas repair man,
from New Hampshire, in the middle is Hoxie Tucker and to his left
is "Stash", show superintendent.
I almost beleive that these pics were from around 1980.
Hoxie had pulled out the Huge one pole round big top.
Bill and I were there for the spring with the garbage until our fair dates started.

Circus comes to town July 1 and 2
Monday, 28 June 2010
Susan Vidbel, one of the featured performers of Circus Vidbel, will perform at the Saxe Middle School playing field on July 1 and 2.
Tickets are now on sale for Circus Vidbel, a special family fund-raiser presented by the New Canaan YMCA and Kiwanis Club of New Canaan. The circus will be appearing in New Canaan on Thursday, July 1, and Friday, July 2, with performances at 3 and 6 p.m. each day. Shows will be held under the big top tent at the Saxe Middle School playing field.
Proceeds from the event benefit teen programs at the New Canaan YMCA and Outback Teen Center.
Tickets are now on sale at the New Canaan YMCA front desk, as well as at the following local merchants: The Bank of New Canaan (Elm Street), Baskin-Robbins, Bob’s Sports, New Canaan Diner, Elm Street Books, First County Bank, Karl Chevrolet, and Gelatissimo. Ticket prices are $15 per person in advance or $20 at the door. Children under two are free.
“We’re excited to be partnering with Kiwanis to support our community’s teens with a fund-raising event everyone in the family can enjoy,” said YMCA Executive Director Craig Panzano.
Echoed Eloise Killeffer, Kiwanis president: “It’s our hope to create a community tradition that children and families will look forward to each year and remember for years to come.”
Circus Vidbel, a family-run, one-ring, old-time circus, has been performing across the United States for more than 20 years. Performances under the big top tent include Susan Vidbel in an aerial cloud swing display, an aerial hoop performance, dog and horse acts, an African acrobatic troupe and jugglers. The Vidbel clowns will also perform.
The show is suitable for families with children of all ages, and no wild animals are part of the performance.
For more information, including sponsorship opportunities, call the YMCA financial development director at 203-966-4528, ext. 142, or e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
More information may be found at


Circus puts things away when it isn't on the road
Mon, Jun 28, 2010, my paper
IN A self-storage space in Toa Payoh, there is a room filled with things associated with a circus.
Unicycles, plastic saucers of various colours, spinning reels (called diabolos) and balance boards (called rola-bolas) are among the many bulky props that belong to Circus Outreach.
The non-profit youth organisation conducts school workshops for "at-risk" young people who need guidance in life.
The group also performs at street and clown festivals in Singapore and overseas.
The items in self-storage once cluttered up the group's studio and office in Tanjong Pagar. They were moved to StorHub Self Storage in 2006.


...Kelly Miller Circus in Lancaster, MA on Wednesday, June 30

Posted Jun 28, 2010 Lancaster, MA

The Lancaster Recreation Committee is bringing the Kelly Miller Circus to town on Wednesday, June 30 at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. in the lot behind the Lancaster Marketplace on Route 70. Save money by purchasing tickets in advance at the following locations: Lancaster Town Clerk’s office, The Wine Merchant, Lancaster Agway, Sunrise Boutique, and Deershorn Farmstore. Contact Committee member Joe Kennedy at for more information.


Elephant parade means circus is in town
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The circus town's been born.
Tucson became host to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus as a pack of pachyderms paraded past the peering (and partially perturbed) populace.
As for the perturbed, animal-rights advocates already are posting anti-circus messages on StarNet. The elephant walk preceded the circus shows, running Wednesday through Sunday at the Tucson Convention Center.


Mon, 21 Jun 2010
Cole Bros Circus in Marshfield

The Cole Bros Circus begins Tuesday at the Marshfield, Mass. Watch the big top going up over three hours on Monday morning, compressed to 42 seconds in this time-lapse photo sequence by Patriot Ledger photographer Greg Derr. After the show in Marshfield, the circus moves to Rochester and then Plymouth. From: patriotledger

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Don't forget to click on each image to enlarge and read!