Saturday, February 9, 2013


Published on Jun 25, 2012
SNN: Suncoast Circus At Florida State Fair

When the Florida State Fair begins Thursday, a Suncoast-based Circus will be providing some of the entertainment. Bradenton-based Circus Hollywood plans to bring aerialists, jugglers and animals to the fair in Tampa for daily shows.

UniverSoul Circus Returns to Hometown Atlanta

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By Special to the Daily World
07 February 2013
The UniverSoul Circus, which has been defined as "a sensory overload of indescribable proportions, featuring dazzling lights, pulsating sounds" opens in Atlanta at Turner Field, Feb. 14 through March 3.
With a mast standing 70-feet tall at its highest peak and spanning 158-feet in diameter, the new UniverSoul Circus big top tent arrived in North America late last year. The new 2,278 seat tent, with bold red and yellow stripes and purple accents, was designed and constructed in collaboration with the famed Italian design firm Canobbio. The new 26,000-square-foot tent system includes the Big Top, concessions tent, ticket takers tent and the artist entrance.
For the past five years, UniverSoul Circus has consistently ranked in the top 10 of Ticketmaster's Top 25, which ranks the Top 25 Most Requested Family Events in the US by fan-search requests and online event page views.
"The 2013 edition of UniverSoul Circus represents an evolution – a mash-up of culturally traditional art forms and cutting edge entertainment," said Founder and President Cedric Walker. "Our fans will witness dynamic young performers who combine the past with the future to create groundbreaking performance art that is unique in the circus world," he said, adding: "Our event is all about lifting spirits. Whether you're sitting on the edge of your chair with excitement, dancing to the music or high-fiving our performers as they pass through the aisles, UniverSoul Circus is designed to move the audiences in a positive way."
From Kelly-Miller facebook page

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Kelly-Miller Circus visits our Studios
from: FOX2.COM
February 7, 2013

WICKED: Special Effects
Chic Silber talks about one of his many successful endeavors, the special effects director for Broadway's Wicked
suggested by Mike Naughton

Published on Feb 8, 2013
Who crafts the "smoke and mirrors" of a Broadway show? The special effects team is an integral part of the Land of Oz, helping WICKED cast its spell on audiences at every performance. Discover how the special effects of WICKED were originally conceived and produced, adding flash and fun to the stage.
circa 1930's
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Fossett's Circus 1987 (part 1 of 3)

Neil Patterson
1 part of a series of documentaries made by RTE in 1987 on the Irish Fossett family.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Yankee Doodle Operation Department, Cliff and David are at a rest area on the Massaschusetts Turnpike as the Blizzard of 2013 slams the northeast with record-breaking snow fall, ferocious wind and coastal flooding.
All road were closed at 4 pm, so the guys are hunkering down until NOON on SATURDAY when the ban is expected to be lifted.
The trucker asked them, "What the hell are you doing on the highway in a blizzard?"
They laughed and said, "Our boss said we would be fine."
Trucker: "Your boss should see you NOW."
The guys; "He knows all about it. He's the guy taking the photo."

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I found this foto on the web yesterday.
I beleive that's my old friend the late  Doug Ford.
What do you think?
There was no explanation or caption on the foto.

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One of Marty Pinson's many locations at
the Florida State Fair.
foto from Matt's Carnival

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McLaren Circus

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from McLaren facebook page TODAY



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From Casey's facebook page today


Description:Brooklyn painter Marie Roberts comes from a family long entrenched in Coney Island's Sideshow. Her family home once housed the famous freaks and oddities of the 1920's and 1930's where her uncle was the 'talker' luring audiences in to see them. Marie paints beautiful banners for the current Sideshow.(3:18)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fatal tiger attack on circus trainer caught on tape

by Max Wintiz
Thu Feb 7, 2013.
SARASOTA - Over the weekend, a 35-year-old tiger trainer lost his life in Mexico when one of the big cats attacked him during a circus performance. Alexander Suarez died from bite wounds and a loss of blood. A member of the crowd managed to capture the attack on camera. The video has since gone viral.
Lots of people are talking about the attack, especially in Sarasota. The area is no stranger to circus acts involving lions and tigers. In fact, Big Cat Habitat is featuring many of the animals during its Animal Extravaganza show taking place every weekend in February.

Clayton Rosaire, a trainer at Big Cat Habitat, says the weekend incident in Mexico hits home. "It was just an accident. There was somebody doing what they loved and it didn't end up right at the end of the day. That also happens to guys doing motorcross and other kinds of sports," Rosaire said.
So why did the tiger attack? Rosaire says that what we as humans see as mauling, a tiger sees as playing. "We have to remember that in many cases, cats play with things that they also eat," said Rosaire.
Circus season opens in Donna

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Performers in Circo Hermanos Vazquez rehearse the finale for the show, which opens Friday in Donna. The performers come from around the world, places such as Brazil, Italy and Germany.
by Julie Silva | Mid-Valley Town Crier
February 6, 2013
DONNA, TEXAS – As a child, Jose Alberto Vazquez would rather climb a tree than study. It was only a matter of time before the joined the family business … a traveling circus.
Vazquez’s dad is one of five brothers running Circo Hermanos Vazquez, which has a show based in Mexico and a second in the United States. The U.S. performance opens Friday in Donna and runs through March 17 before moving to Brownsville.
During a recent rehearsal, Vazquez watched as his cousin, Luva Vazquez, practiced her juggling routine. She’s been practicing for two years. Last year she performed only on Sundays when there were smaller crowds, Jose Alberto Vazquez said, so she wouldn’t get too nervous. This year, Luva Vazquez will get to perform nightly for larger audiences.
At 23, Jose Alberto Vazquez has worked his way up to emcee and animal trainer, but he has vivid memories of the pressure from juggling when he was starting out in the business. All the Vazquezes learn the basics – things like juggling and tumbling – because it helps them decide what act they want to pursue.
Vazquez and Klaus Dieter, a German animal trainer with the circus, both agreed juggling is one of the most nerve-wracking acts.
“Jugglers practice always. I know some jugglers so nervous they would practice eight hours a day,” Dieter said.
Vazquez added, “That’s why I stopped – because you get so crazy.”
One mistake, one dropped ball, can throw off the entire performance.
Also, Vazquez’s routine included a lot of tumbling – somersaults and flips. The floors sometimes were wet from a recent cleaning. His moves combined with the slippery floors, and well, Vazquez said it wasn’t exactly the fall he dreaded.
“The thing that hurts the most is that everybody’s going to be laughing at you,” he said.
He’s since moved on to animal training and his performance includes two camels, a zebra and a little horse. Animal routines are a bit more forgiving, even when the animals have a bad day, simply because people like to look at them.
Still, Vazquez was surprised to hear a pig act was added to the show this year.
“I thought, ‘Usually we eat them,’” he said. “But now I know horses are smarter than dogs.”
Les Kimes corrals four several-hundred pound pig and a baby piglet in his performance, Cousin Grumpy and the Pork Chop Revue.
Kimes’ act is adapted from his father, Uncle Heavy, who named Kimes Grumpy because he rarely smiled as a toddler. His pigs need little guidance during the performance, standing obediently on silver steps, awaiting their turn to shine.
However, the star of the show is Oink – the singing pig.
“It’s good family entertainment,” Kimes said. “They (pigs) are smart; they are clean animals.”
Dieter said pigs are easily trained with food, but they’re quick to nip fingers. Horses are much easier because they watch everything and can recognize hand signals and voice commands. But he’s trained antelopes, bulls and even kangaroos.
The only animal that can’t be trained?
“Women,” Dieter joked.
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus is 'Built To Amaze!' with help from ringmaster Andre McClain and Kim Anthony (Kip) Jones
McClain and Jones are just two of the diverse, highly anticipated attractions at the 143rd edition of the circus, which has been dubbed 'Built To Amaze!'

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus comes to Brooklyn’s Barclays Center March 20 and plays through April 1.
By Jared Mccallister / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
February 6, 2013
Andre McClain, who comes from the big skies of Kansas City, and Kim Anthony (Kip) Jones, who hails from the big city of New York, have a lot in common.
 Both were born to perform, and they entertain 48 weeks a year as stars of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus.
 McClain, the circus ringmaster, and Jones, leader of the amazing King Charles Troupe of unicyclists, are just two of the diverse, highly anticipated attractions at the 143rd edition of the circus, which has been dubbed “Built To Amaze!”
 The massive traveling company of extraordinary performers comes to Brooklyn’s Barclays Center March 20 and plays through April 1.
 With his booming voice and robust personality, McClain seems destined to open one of the biggest shows on the planet.
He’s a Western-style Renaissance man – a vocal music major who later he earned a degree in business management. And he  has  used his creativity and drive to get to the top of the big top.
 “I’m still in awe!” exclaimed McClain, who is Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s first African-American ringmaster. But another circus landmark also makes him exceedingly proud. McClain says he’s the first equestrian-based ringmaster at the circus in 100 years.
 “All ringmasters used to have equestrian training, but the equestrian got lost somewhere,” he said.
 McClain, who says, “I’ve been riding horses since I came out of my mom,” came to the circus in 2002 when he was doing research on how to do cowboy stunts – like popping targets and trick roping – while on stilts!
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Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Photos
Andre McClain is the ringmaster of the circus.

After a stint shoveling elephant poop and performing other duties, McClain auditioned for Ringling Bros. producer Kenneth Feld and landed a position as the host of the 133rd Edition’s “Three Ring Adventure,” which ultimately led to the ringmaster job for the big show.
 For Jones, leader of the circus’ King Charles Troupe, his affair with unicycles began with love at first sight when he saw the ensemble in action. King Charles Troupe plays “high-energy basketball on unicycles in a ‘Razzle Dazzle’ style,” according to the Bronx-based group’s website.
 “Fate took its path, and I’m here,” said Jones, who tagged along with a friend attending an audition for the troupe and has been riding unicycles ever since.
 Jones’ gymnastic background helped bolster his ability to play fast-paced basketball while riding a unicycle. “It’s our fountain of youth,” said the 46-year-old, who comes from the Bronx. Jones first practiced riding in narrow building hallways before he quickly perfected his balance. As with bicycle riding, he said, “The balance concept is still there, but some are just born to it.”
 “My daughter doesn’t comprehend how I still do it at this age,” added Jones, who wants to do a basketball-dunking competition for unicyclists.
 The King Charles Troupe, founded by Jerry King in 1958, and featuring his son Charles, is still a family affair. King’s brother, Winston, runs the business today.
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