Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Headless Woman

Here's another one of our sideshows. The Headless Girl Illusion. We purchased this show at the Farmville, Va fair. I beleive it was about September 1974. This little show did very well on our route but was hard to repeat with at smaller fairs.


  1. This looks like the headless show I once owned. It was booked with me once by Wayne and Trish. I think I got it from LD Wheeler.
    Bob Childress

  2. Hi Bob!
    How are you? WSorry I didn't get to see you when you were in this area. Seems like something was always comming up. But Fred Hoffman and Richard keep me filled in!That Headless Show we bought from Wayne and Trica in Farmville, VA. It was a nice money maker for a coup[le of years. But I guess on the same route they will only look at a couple of times. How's things on the Lewis and Clark? Maybe I could book a few dates for you next season. Let Me hear from you.
