Friday, July 18, 2008

Lewis & Clark

Here's the New Big Top. What a flash for a small show! It's a 70 x 110 top. I understand it seats 400. Fred tells me they carry canvas in case of overflow so the kids and sit on the ground.
I undertstand the Acts also do cherry pie. I hate to say it but that might be what a small show is gonna have to have in this day and age.


  1. Ok Dick, for us none circus people what is cherry pie?

  2. Howard: the term "Cherry Pie" refers to folks that work in the pefirmance (Acts) and Concession people, that don't usually have to do any manuel labor, as far as setting up the Tent and Bleachers, all pitch in and get the thing up in the air. It's an old term that was used for a long time. Show People you know have slang terms for a lot of things, In fact I was thinking about may listing some of these in a post and see if folks could guess the meaning of each term.

  3. aka Chinese Labor

  4. Thanks Anonymous.
    That's what age will do for you!
    My memory isn't as good as it used to ne on certain things!

  5. I have always been told that performers/concessionaires who did extra work and received extra pay for the work called it Cherry Pie. Chinese labor was doing the extra work with no pay. Have I been misinformed? Would like to hear from someone on this. Thanks. Markeno

  6. Markeno:
    Dick Here. It all spends what kinf od arrangement or contract you had with the show. Usually it would state you you agreed to make your self generally useful around the show.I know most of the shows I was on, including carnivals we would all try to pitch in if there was an emergency or the show was just short on help. The Show must go on you know!

  7. Thanks Dick for the update on Cherry Pie - Guess you have to watch out for that "Being generally useful clause". You are right - the show must come first. Markeno
