Wednesday, August 6, 2008



Your blog is great just the way it is!!!! I found you through Buckles Blog and have enjoyed it very much. You, Buckles, and Trumble are daily links to show biz........keep up the good work!

I remember both you and your brother from Billy Martin, Great American and S&S Amusements. A couple of funny stories I remember........On S & S at Harford Pa Fair, Swika was going to charge you for a center joint! The prior week it had been a line joint!!!! Also, I think someone on the show had made off with a new bally cloth that had just been delivered.

On Billy Martin, he had a couple of big boxes on wheels, which I think nearly most of the show loaded into. Not a bad idea if anyone could move them loaded! They were painted gray and I think you referred to them as the battle ships!

Anyway, keep up the blog!!!!!!

Ron Finch
Newark Valley, NY

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