Sunday, August 10, 2008

Interesting Local News Story

I have an Elephant in My Backyard - 1943Kirk Mariner, who writes books and stories about the Virginia Eastern Shore, wrote this story in his book "True Tales of the Eastern Shore". I am going to simply shorten it. It seems in 1943 the Chincoteague Naval Auxiliary Air Station was a training station for young pilots. They liked to show off their flying skills to the local population by flying low over people houses and flying under power lines. One pilot decided to impress a girl, Jackie Sterling, who lived in Crisfield. He buzzed in low over her house in his plane. The problem was there was a circus playing in town, next to her house, the plane created panic among the circus animals and a number of them took off around town. One woman called the Mayor of Crisfield to report an elephant in her backyard, the mayor called the Chincoteague Naval Air Station and the pilot, one George Herbert Walker Bush (later president) was reprimanded and grounded for causing an elephant stampede.

This story was posted on my friend Howard's blog this morning and he's letting me post it on mine.
Thanks Howard!

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