Sunday, November 2, 2008

PHILLS BROS CIRCUS (Fred Hoffman Pics)

These pictures were taken by Fred in southeastern PA
in 1990 season
Show was owned by Mr and Mrs Bill Phillips, New Jersey Showmen
and promoters.


  1. If I am not wrong...that is the amazing Mr. Bill Philips himself in clown in that top photo.

    What a great guy to be on the road with.

    I really miss going to breakfast every day with him.

    -Dan McCallum

  2. Hi. This is Michael, William, Alan, and Ruthie Miller. William and I performed in the last show of the Phills Brother Circus as young jugglers. Some of the other performers were Patty Black, Trey?, Carl Reed, Charlie Van Bushkirk, Bill Phillips as a magician, as far as we remember. We think it was around August 18, 1995. If anyone has pictures or videos of the last Saturday night show, please contact us at or May all your days be Phills Brothers circus days!
