Tuesday, January 6, 2009



  1. What good memories these photos bring back to me. Saw Cetlin & WIlson as a child and into my teens at Georgia State Fair - Macon, Ga each year. Who could ever forget Raynells Revue on one side of the midway and The Coppertone Revue on the other side - Both shows - first rate in production - Purtles Motordrome, Big 10 in 1, Monkey Races and on and on. Many thanks to Fred Hoffman and The Balloon Man for posting these great photos. Would you please ask Fred Hoffman if he would E-mail me at Charlesconc@Aol.com. Many thanks to you guys. Charles Hanson

  2. Hello Dick,
    Many of you followers may recognize the straight sided flat car above with the vertical braces as coming from the Mighty Sheesley Shows back in the 1930's. This flatcar was on Cetlin and Wilson during its entire Railroad years until they closed in Savannah, Ga. in 1968. Royal American then bought the flats and later loaned this car and several others to the Circus World Museum. This car was just completely donated to the Museum in the last couple years by the Sedlmyer family as being the oldest known flat car in Show Business still in existance.

  3. First of All thank you Bob for your info.
    Secondly Mr Hanson Fred doesn't have a computer, says he's too old to learn! But I will tell him that you said hi. If you would like to send me your phone number I could pass that on to him. My e-mail address id www.dickdykes@verizon.net

  4. Dick; Thanks so much for posting these pixs, also thanking Fred for making them available. I will have to agree, this is the clearest set of Cetlin&Wilson pixs, I have ever seen.
    Brings back MANY,MANY memories, as I was born in Ionia, Mich. and remember this show, as if it were yesterday.
    I have been in the carnival business for 54 years now, and can thank C&W for breaking me in.
