Sunday, April 25, 2010


AUGUSTA--Morning Sentiel, Sunday Apr 25th
Protest greets circus fansShow officials say children love the animalsBy Mechele Cooper
The Shriners circus held on Friday and Saturday is one of the organization's major fundraisers.
Protesters from Animal Rights Maine greeted circus goers with signs and handed out literature about animal cruelty.
"It wouldn't bother me, not really," Howell said Saturday. "There's a whole bunch of clowns and I like the acrobats. They're cool."

Hicks said there is entertainment value for animal-free circuses. Unfortunately, circuses are the only place children can see exotic animals in central Maine because there are no major zoos around.
"I heard that one of their elephants died so they didn't have them last night," Hicks said. "But they had tigers."
Melissa Gates of Animal Rights Maine, said her group has sent letters and called the Kora Shrine Temple in Lewiston encouraging the organization to adopt animal-free events for all future fundraising circuses.
Jazz11 said...Gotta love the Shriners. They are one of the best groups around. Gotta hate those traveling circuses! The pain inflicted and the abuse suffered by the exotic animals if often horrific. I am aware children have no close access to a zoo, but that is still not an excuse for seeing abused animals.April 25, 2010 at 4:49 AM Report abuse
Jughead said...So you got your info for this article from PETA? Try getting it from a credible source and one that is not obviously one sided on this issue.April 25, 2010 at 9:54 AM Report abuse

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