Wednesday, June 2, 2010


By Linda Murphy
Special to The Herald News Posted Jul 30, 2009
Little Compton, R.I. — When the circus came to town back in the 1800s it was a big deal: Townspeople came together before the circus even opened to watch the big top, with all its promise of amusement and awe, rise up to the sky.When Vidbel’s Old Tyme Circus rolls into town this weekend it brings with it the opportunity to relive an era before laser light shows streaked across circus stages. For Susan Vidbel-Ashton it’s the fulfillment of her grandfather’s dream. “This is the circus that my grandfather started,” she said. “I love the feeling of an old-time circus — a lot of traditional circuses have been lost.”

With her parents’ lineage, it may be no surprise that Miss Cheyenne could flip and roll with ease: Ashton is a seventh generation circus performer from Australia and Vidbel-Ashton’s grandparents meet in the early 1950s when they were both with Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus. They were married in the ring between circus acts.

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