Sunday, July 25, 2010


Bastion park: picnic, pool and free circus performances
Argentinian circus at Bastions ParkGeneva, Switzerland –
For the past three weeks, kids and grown-ups who love the circus arts have been gathering at Bastions Park to watch free performances, take free circus lessons, listen to free concerts, and enjoy the weather.
Every Wednesday to Sunday at 20:00 performers from as far away as Australia, Argentina and Japan – as well as from Switzerland and neighbouring France, entertain the crowd at the Park.
Among the jewels who will be performing in the coming weeks are Dutch performers bringing “circus jazz,” Swiss performing contemporary acrobatic dance, mimes from Japan, and a Chilean tightrope-walker who will render his version of a Jean Genet piece on the rope. (See the full program here).
The program is part of a year-long celebration of circus. Geneva has become the first city to be named international capital of world circus by the international circus council.
Many people picnic during the performances, and many families enjoy the shows while their rug-rats play by the sandbox. A few bold children even brave Calvin’s cool stare to dip in the water.
A family affair, but with enough appeal for the hip, young crowd.

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