Monday, August 30, 2010

FROM AUSTRAILIA..............

Circus comes to town

28th August 2010

LENNON Brothers Circus is delighted with the roll-up for the start of its latest series of performances in Ipswich.
The 117-year-old family-owned circus had their first night on Thursday at Ipswich Showground.
After their opening night, circus manager Cheryl Lennon said it was a case of so far, so good.
“Thursday night was very good. Thursdays are difficult anywhere but we were more than happy with the crowd,” Ms Lennon said. “They were very responsive and we got a lot of signatures for our petition which was very pleasing too.”
Circus patrons have been asked to sign a petition opposing the ban on animal circuses.
Last year Ipswich City Council became the first Queensland council to ban circuses with exotic animals on council land.
“The people of Ipswich should be allowed to make up with their own minds; not have the council telling them what to do. We are not cruel to animals,” Ms Lennon said.
The circus is on tonight, next Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights with matinees today, tomorrow and next Saturday and Sunday with human and animal acts including the trapeze, wheel of death, camels, clowns, a contortionist and tightrope walker.

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