Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Evening News photo by BRYAN BOSCH The midway lit up at night at the Monroe County Fair.

For the second year in a row, the Monroe County Fair has accomplished one of its primary goals — breaking an attendance record.
The 63rd annual fair did just that — barely — Saturday when 20,758 people came through the gates on the final day of the seven-day fair. That brought the total attendance for the week to 179,109, which is 22 people more than last year's 179,087.
Fair board members attribute dry weather throughout the week for setting another record. A total of 52,369 people visited the fair on the last two days, pushing the count over the top.
"Friday's and Saturday's weather is what made the difference," Stan Diroff, head of the parade and grandstand shows and a board member for more than 20 years, said Sunday.
It rained just one day — on Wednesday when it sprinkled during the early afternoon. The 2009 fair had a downpour on only one day — Saturday, which reduced attendance that day to 13,904. In fact, there has been little or no rain at the fair for the past four years, shattering the myth that it "always rains during fair week."read more at:http://www.monroenews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100809/NEWS01/708099997
The large turnouts the past two fairs have abruptly reversed a trend of declining attendance from 2002 through 2008. During those years, attendance sagged below the 150,000 mark. Officials cited heat, wet weather, a decline in tourism and even a tornado threat one year for the downturn in visitors.

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