Thursday, October 28, 2010

From: Gary C. Payne
To: Animal Welfare Committee and partners
Re: Error in the Call to Action - Fulton Cty GA matter

I'm putting this information out to those who, early on, put out the original call to action. There is an error for which I must apologize... I am not certain how I got this wrong.
Commissioner Pitts is the sponser of the resolution, as we stated. In our call to action we stated that there were 3 votes for and 3 votes against and that Pitts abstained. Pitts
did not abstain. He was one of the 3 votes "for". John Eaves, the chairman, abstained.

We hope to correct this for future forwarding, but I suspect it will come up a few times in conversation, because many will continue to forward the original information. Naturally
I regret this error and I apologize. I was anxious to get the information out there - with only 8 days to impact this situation. I missed this error.

Gary C. Payne

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