Monday, February 14, 2011

Circus for the soul;
UniverSoul Circus Review
Feb 13, 2011,By Monica Hill, Atlanta Unique Arts Examiner,
Once an unprecedented idea; a black circus -- first became a reality here in Atlanta! After 18 years, the soulful circus is still bringing the funk to it's birth home (with both the animals and the music). Located in the Green Lot of Turnerfield, under the UniverSoul Circus Big Top, Atlanta becomes as interactive as a Braves game with the help of some familiar friends. All the traditional circus components were apart of the show. With an engaging Ringmaster, awesome tricks, smelly animals, elements of danger, and food that smells better than it tastes, a circus wouldn't be a circus without all of those things. However, there's one thing that UniverSoul Circus has that makes it incomparable to others. Well it's pretty oblivious, since it is apart of the name, but, in case you missed out on it -- it's Soul!
When the word soul is used most of us will think of music. Though pop culture is infused into the entire show, the focus of soul for UniverSoul Circus is more than any hip-hop song can offer alone. A circus for the soul must interact with the people. From the high ropes acts to the appearance of Black Jesus, every part of the show is delightfully engaging. For instance, the ringmaster, "Shuckie Duckie" had to have passed my seat three times to get personal with those in attendance. There were giant beach balls to keep the audience busy even while the set was changing. The performers are an array of ethnicities and their costumes are just as colorful. The faithful were even surprised with a spiritually evoking grand finale. So it's safe to say, someone might have been led to the lord courtesy of "Big Top".
Thus, with soul being one half of the differentiating feature of this one-and-only world renown African-American circus, the better half is the audience. And, from the looks of it Atlantans know how to bring the soul with them to a circus.
It's no wonder why we needed to create our own. The Ringling Brother's surely ain't havin' all the ruckus during a show! But, under the "Big Top" the hooting and hollering is generously encouraged. 'Praise': A "joyful noise", that's what the Bible calls it and maybe the UniverSoul Circus performers would agree. Kudos, to the creators/owners of the black circus, Cedric and Cynthia Walker for providing culture to a culture that is often not allowed in the leading lane. The UniverSoul Circus under the Big Top is the definition of what happens when you create the lane -- success!
The circus will be here in Atlanta until February 27th, 2011.
So get your tickets in advance because it's bound to be...
Souled Out!
For more information on the UniverSoul Circus & ticktes:

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