Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Circus doesn’t bring joy to all
01 Mar 2011
By Alison Kinkade
Permission to allow Circus Oz to erect an events tent on the Harbour Esplanade waterfront this month has at least one Docklander up in arms.
Docklands resident and owner of Pleasure Boat Cruises, Keith Rankin, said he was outraged to learn that a 7m tall and 17.3m wide tent would be erected in front of the water at the bottom of LaTrobe St.
“Since 1997 they have had this policy that there could be nothing obstructing the water-view from the footpath line and now it seems they have decided to reverse it with no consultation,” Mr Rankin said.
Mr Rankin said he wanted to know whether VicUrban was also going to reverse the policy for everyone and allow boats to moor along the waterfront between Central Pier and the Conder.
“I want to know why they are reversing the policy all of a sudden and why people weren’t allowed to use it for mooring in the first place if it can be so easily reversed now, and why weren’t the public consulted if they are going to reverse the policy for Circus Oz?” Mr Rankin said.
Mr Rankin said he had no problem whatsoever with Circus Oz and thought it was a great organisation, but he couldn’t understand how the policy could be so easily reversed.
“My problem isn’t with Circus Oz, it is that VicUrban has never reversed the policy for Docklanders but is happy to reverse it for an outsider who will be utilising the area purely for commercial reasons.”

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