Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I’m going to the circus
by Morgan Wall , Mount Airy News
March 22, 2011
This past weekend I was able to see a performance by the New Shanghai Circus.
Before I start, there were no animals in this circus so I don’t want any angry PETA people e-mailing and calling me again to talk about how the animals in circuses are abused/mistreated/etc. This circus is comprised only of people.
And it was amazing.
These athletes, because there really is no other way to describe them, contorted themselves into impossibly small shapes, balanced objects, including other people, on their hands, legs and heads, and juggled. Before you judge the juggling and think what’s so special about juggling after I’ve just watched a group of girls twirling dinner plates on sticks while climbing on top of one another, allow me to explain.
These jugglers were not ordinary jugglers. They juggled hats in groups, they juggled ping-pong balls, seven ping-pong balls to be exact, they juggled up and down stairs. I also learned a very valuable lesson. It is, in fact, possible, to juggle with your feet. It is even possible to partner juggle, where to share juggling materials by tossing them back and forth, with your feet. I also found out that it is possible to play basketball while juggling with your feet. There are certainly basketball teams across the country who have been ousted from the tournament who may have benefited from having a team member with this capability.Read more: http://www.mtairynews.com/view/full_story/12443851/article-I%E2%80%99m-going-to-the-circus?instance=secondary_opinion_left_column

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