Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ocala man takes best of show at Leesburg art festival for second straight year
"A Combined Show" by Jack Thursby, which won Best of Show at the 34th annual Leesburg Fine Arts Festival.
(Leesburg Center for the Arts / March 9, 2011)
LEESBURG — John "Jack" Thursby made it two in a row when he won the $1,500 best-of-show award at the 34th Leesburg Fine Arts Festival, held Saturday and Sunday.
Thursby, who lives in Ocala, also took home the top prize in 2010.
His acrylic painting, "A Combined Show" is the realistic painter's take on people putting themselves on display. A young man with sleeves of tattoos and masses of dreadlocks sits in front of a peeling poster of a Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus.
"It plays off the circus of yesterday with the tiger leaping out and the 21st-century man with a tiger tattoo," Thursby said. "It is about the way we think of entertainment when the person is the show."

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