Thursday, April 14, 2011

Activists to protest against circus animals

Lion trainer Warren Lennon with Kiara the lioness


14 Apr, 2011,

Animal rights activists will gather outside Queanbeyan showgrounds tonight to oppose the use of lions and monkeys at a 118-year-old circus. Animal Liberation ACT will stage a peaceful protest at 6.30pm to demand Lennon Bros Circus stop using exotic animals for entertainment. Animal Liberation ACT president Bernard Brennan said animals at the Australian circus led miserable lives and spent up to 23 hours a day in cages. ''They endure long-haul transport and are forced to perform up to three hours a day whether they like it or not,'' he said. The circus has set up camp in Queanbeyan to avoid the scrutiny of ACT laws that prohibit circuses using exotic animals such as monkeys, bears, elephants, giraffes and lions.

People caught flouting ACT circus laws face up to one year's imprisonment and fines between $11,000 and $55,000. Mr Brennan urged the public to boycott the circus and said Queanbeyan City Council should follow 40 other councils across the country which had banned circuses with exotic animals. Lennon Bros Circus manager and lion trainer Warren Lennon said his lion and two lionesses had a good life and were provided with large exercise yards. ''We have researched that lions are the best suited animals for circuses because they sleep for up to 20 hours a day,'' he said. Mr Lennon said the ACT Government needed to reassess its ban on exotic animals in circuses. ''The public still want to see them. I would say 70 per cent of our clients are from the ACT.'' Queanbeyan Council Mayor Tim Overall said council did not have a position on the use of exotic animals in circuses. A Territory and Municipal Services spokesman said the ACT Government had no plans to change its circus laws. Lennon Bros Circus is the longest travelling circus in Australia and uses four monkeys, three lions, three camels, two alpacas, 11 ponies and two miniature donkeys in its twice-daily shows. It is one of only two circuses in Australia that use exotic animals. The circus will be at Queanbeyan until May 1.

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