Saturday, April 2, 2011

Send in the clowns with the Shrine Circus


BY Hayley Martin,

Send in the clowns, and the rest of the circus as well!

The Shrine Circus will make its first appearance at Consol Energy Center April 8-10, with five performances throughout the weekend. “The great thing about the circus as a whole is that it’s the one rare art form that the entire family can come together and have a good time,” said Bello Nock, the clown who bills himself as "the world's one and only comic daredevil." “Four generations can laugh at the same joke without feeling embarrassed or rolling their eyes. It’s the one art form that can bring families together, and all of them enjoy it and have long lasting memories." Bello Nock will be featured along with the Amazing Spiderman, animals, dancers, acrobats and even some dogs during the 64th year for the Shrine Circus. The event is the largest fundraiser for the Shriners of Pittsburgh, which helps support the 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children across the country.“You can travel the world and never leave your seat for the price of one admission,” Said Bello Nock. “You will be stimulated, excited, energized and the best part of all is the price of the admission has legs that work towards helping other people. The money goes to the Shrine and helps kids in need. That’s the magic of what life is!”

Bello Nock is no stranger to the Pittsburgh area. He performed four times at Mellon Arena with the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, and also performed a full season at Kennywood Park. So if you find yourself going “Hey, I’ve seen that guy before,” you’re probably right!
“I’d say my show is like nothing people have ever seen before,” he said. “But that’s a lie because I’ve been on tour and over 40 million people have seen my show live. My show is a form of storytelling though, but at the same time it’s extreme. I’m not clichéd or expected, but my brand is newer. I may do the most difficult task with the greatest of ease and then 30 seconds later trip over my shoelaces and fall on my face.” read more at:

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