Saturday, May 7, 2011

Circus performers return to help lift morale

PREPARING TO PERFORM: Nick Steward sets up equipment for aerial acts at the Canterbury Agricultural Park.
Relevant offersA group of acrobats will perform in Christchurch to give earthquake-hit residents a "pinch of escapism".
Circus Aotearoa brings its aerial acts, clowns, jugglers and a magician to Christchurch today.
Ringmaster Damian Gordon said all the performers and directors were trained at Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology's CircoArts and "cut their teeth" performing for Christchurch crowds.
"Christchurch is where we all started our careers and we just want to return to do our bit to lift the morale of the good folk and families of Christchurch by providing them with a little distraction and a pinch of escapism," he said.
With the 10 performers having lived and worked on the road together for months, the circus had a "family atmosphere".
"Ground-based, character-oriented performer" David Deville, 26, said the quake had destroyed much of what he loved about Christchurch – the arts and culture scene.
Deville, who grew up in Melbourne, spent 2 1/2 years studying circus skills in Christchurch. He performed as the "living gold statue" at the Christchurch Arts Centre weekend market last year. "It's become like a second home to me.
"There's such a good vibe to it, but unfortunately a lot of what I liked about it isn't round here any more because of this quake," he said.
Aerial acrobat Michael "Mr Wizowski" Armstrong, 26, was born in Christchurch and said he was excited about performing in front of family and friends for the first time.
Armstrong completed a law degree at Canterbury University, but decided to join the circus three years ago.
"I didn't want to work just for money," he said.
Circus Aotearoa will perform at Canterbury Agricultural Park from today to May 15 and at Richmond Park in Stanmore Rd from May 20 to 29.

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