Thursday, May 12, 2011

Circus to benefit fire department

May 11, 2011

By Brian Englar News-Post Staff

The circus is coming to Woodsboro, MD and — depending whom you ask — it might be a first for the town."I'm 70-couple years old, and I don't recall the circus being in Woodsboro," said resident Kay Ensor, who is helping put the event together. "Someone said we had, but I don't remember it. It must have been a long time ago if we did."
The Oklahoma-based Kelly Miller Circus is scheduled to put on two shows — at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. — on Tuesday, May 31, at the Woodsboro Volunteer Fire Co.'s Activities Complex, 10307 Coppermine Road. Proceeds will benefit the fire department.
Ensor, a member of both the fire company and the auxiliary, said a representative from the circus came to the April meeting to see if there was any interest in having it stop in Woodsboro on an open date between nearby shows.
"We decided to give it a shot," Ensor said.
The Kelly Miller Circus, established in 1938, features acts including tiger, camel and elephant shows; jugglers; trapeze artists; fire manipulators and a dog-and-pony show.
"It should be a very good circus," Ensor said.
Tickets, which cost $10 for adults and $6 for children, are available at locations including the Southern States Woodsboro Cooperative, the town offices, N.Z. Cramer and Son Inc., Woodsboro Savings Bank, Trout's Market and the Woodsboro Volunteer Fire Co.
Ensor said ticket sales started slowly, but organizers hope posters placed around town will help get the word out.
"It's been a slow get-off, but hopefully it will pick up since we're actually starting to advertise now," she said.
The public is invited to come to the grounds at 9 a.m. the day of the show to watch as elephants help to erect the circus tent.

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