Friday, May 27, 2011

Kelly Miller Circus animals not abused

Friday, May 27, 2011,

By The News of Cumberland County

To the Editor:

I read with interest the article from PETA concerning the treatment of animals traveling with the Kelly Miller Circus. According to the author, Kelly Miller leases the animals from Carson & Barnes Circus and she claims that the animals are regularly abused. She claims also that the organization has a video showing such abuse.I contacted the Kelly Miller Circus and spoke to the general manager. He suggested that I go to the website of the Carson & Barnes Circus and read about the charges which were investigated. Several years ago, an animal protection organization claimed that the circus was abusing their elephants. The Finger Lakes Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals investigated and “were impressed by the care given to elephants and horses.” Later, during the circus, the SPCA sent members from their Humane Law Enforcement Division to find if the circus used abusive devices. The investigators, not only found this charge not to be true, but they found “no visible injuries and that the animals were very social and responsive to the trainer’s commands.”Our club, the Bridgeton Breakfast Rotary Club, has hosted the Kelly Miller Circus for the past 7 years. I have spent many hours at the circus and have never seen any abuse of animals. I have been present during their down time when most of the employees were resting before the first show. I have been backstage during the show. Not once have I seen anything close to what the author from PETA describes. As I have mentioned in the past, the circus invites the public to come early in the morning of the shows to see the circus tent being raised. It is indeed fascinating to see how it is accomplished with the help of the elephants. Following, a circus representative talks about the animals and their care. I received a telephone call once from a “PETA” representative and invited that person to come early to see what happens when the circus arrives. No one has ever shown up. I invite you, especially if you have concerns about the treatment of animals, to spend the early morning with the circus. I will personally introduce you to those in charge who will be glad to answer your questions and concerns. As one manager said to me, “We are one big family. Why would you abuse members of your family?”

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