Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stinky souvenirs!

Prague Zoo sells elephant dung


PRAGUE (AP) — Prague Zoo has started selling what look like ice cream containers but are actually full of elephant dung.It's the latest fad among Czech gardeners who are buying out the manure pails to use as fertilizer. The brain behind the project is zoo director Miroslav Bobek, whose surname literally means dung.
Zoo officials estimate they sell around 200 of the 1-kilogram (2.2-pound) containers of dung per weekend, at 70 koruna ($3.90) each. But sales have been so brisk they decided to expand to weekdays.
AP video showed handlers scooping up the manure Thursday and placing it in the white containers to the bemusement of visitors.
Brazilian tourist Ana Tolentino wouldn't buy it at any price, saying Thursday "My gosh, it is very unusual!"

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