Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Umbrellas ready?

Orange Show opens Thursday

John Weeks, Staff Writer

Posted: 05/24/2011
All the local TV weather forecasters, along with the National Weather Service, are predicting sunny skies over the Inland Empire this holiday weekend. I am predicting rain.
The forecasters have science on their side. They have satellite imagery and Doppler radar and all sorts of other fancy instruments and gizmos. They are correct roughly half the time, which is about the same as guessing.
I have a hundred years of history and precedent on my side, and I claim a better than two-thirds chance of being right.
Who are you going to believe?
The National Orange Show opens Thursday and continues through the long Memorial Day weekend in San Bernardino.
Expect rain.
The Orange Show has been producing meteorological marvels and miracles and mysteries for a century now. I've been living here for about half that time, and I've seen it happen again and again. A warm, clear-sky week suddenly will darken as the weekend approaches. Temperatures will plunge. Wind and rain will appear out of nowhere, just in time for the National Orange Show.
Even if it happens to be sunny and bright when you wake up in the morning, better take an umbrella when you go out. You don't want to get caught unprepared when unexpected storm clouds gather and burst at about 2p.m. That's when the Orange Show officially opens.
It's such a reliable phenomenon, it's almost not a phenomenon any more. The pattern was set when it rained heavily on the very first National Orange Show, held March 6-11, 1911, under two large circus tents on the northwest corner of Fourth and E streets in downtown San Bernardino.
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