Saturday, July 2, 2011



If July fourth is just around the corner, fair season will soon be in full swing, and that means local inspectors are taking a closer look to insure amusement rides are safe.
The Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department Carnival opened Wednesday night, and Botetourt County Building Official Brandon Nicely spent most of the afternoon inspecting the rides set up at the Buchanan fairgrounds.
"We always like to talk about having a second pair of eyes looking at it," Nicely told News 7. "Normally the operators of this equipment and the owners do a great job of setting them up. As you've seen, everything we've found so far, they jump right on it and fix it up, because they want it safe also."
Cole Amusement Company of Covington is providing the rides for the Buchanan Carnival for the first time. R. C. Cole says he welcomes the inspections. "This is my livelihood. It may not look like much to the average person, but I've spent my entire adult life accumulating this and I'm not going to jeopardize it in any way, shape or form by cutting corners on safety." The company has hosted the state's training program for ride inspectors.
The carnival is the Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department's only fundraiser, and Chief Billy Joe Carter says the department is looking forward to a safe and successful run through July 9th. "I don't want anybody to walk out of here with a scratch or a hurt feeling," Carter said.
The Salem Fair starts Thursday, and inspectors were also examining the rides there on Wednesday. The Salem Fair continues through Sunday, July 10th.

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