Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Florida State Boxing Commission asked to stop boxing kangaroo show

Rick Chandler

Jul 18, 2011,

Well here’s a sentence I never thought I’d write: The Florida State Boxing commission is currently embroiled in a big controversy over boxing kangaroos. “Steroids?”, you’re asking yourself. No. Animal cruelty.
The “Rocky Show Circus,” a traveling exhibition which is currently in Florida, features a kangaroo dressed in boxing drunks which boxes a human. PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has sent a complaint to the FSBC and the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation, asking them to stop the show. Apparently, all boxing matches in the state must be licensed by the FSBC, even if they include marsupials.
Martinez, who dresses up a kangaroo named Rocky and taunts him into fighting back, has been repeatedly cited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for violations of the Animal Welfare Act, including failure to provide adequate veterinary care and safe animal enclosures. Rocky is clearly stressed and has charged people during photo shoots, chewed on his own arm, and attempted to flee the ring during the act.The Rocky Show Circus has been banned at other venues due to protests, including one in Australia last year.
My question has always been, why traditional boxing? Wouldn’t kangaroos be better suited to kick boxing? Anyway, no one wants to see animals mistreated or abused.
But then, PETA adds this chilling graph:
Please only attend innovative, exciting circuses that don’t exploit animals, like Cirque du Soleil.If you’re gonna try and force me to watch this, PETA, then I’m sorry to have to say that you’re on your own here.

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