Saturday, July 30, 2011

Get The Ink Out: Circus a welcoming place for kids, parents

horses, of course: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey presents "Fully Charged" at the Honda Center. (Heinz Kluetmeier, Daily Pilot / July 28, 2011)
By Jamie Rowe
July 28, 2011
Anaheim, CA--
Have you been following this "No Kids" movement going across the country? If not, allow me to fill you in.

I first heard about it when Malaysia Airlines banned children from first class on certain flights. Then a Pittsburgh restaurant banned children younger than 6. Finally, an unknown theater had an adults-only screening of the new "Harry Potter" movie.

I get it. You want to fly across the Pacific without your seat's back being kicked. You want to savor that duck confit without having food flung at you. You want to see how Harry and the gang handle the next adventure in peace.

But if you're a parent, where can you take the family and not feel like pariah?

The circus, that's where. And lucky you, it just so happens to be in town — well, the county at least.

"Fully Charged," the latest incarnation of the "Greatest Show on Earth," doesn't ask for quiet. In fact, it asks the audience to have the most fun ever, starting with the pre-show
read more:,0,173599.story

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