Friday, July 1, 2011

Triennial circus hits Littleton

By Nathan Lamb

GateHouse News Service

Posted Jun 30, 2011
Littleton, MA — The Russell Street athletic field was a circus — literally — the morning of June 28, with approximately 60 residents showing up to see elephants, camels and the raising of the big top.
The Kelly Miller Circus rolled into town early that morning, setting up shop for a pair of shows that will benefit the Littleton 300th anniversary celebration.
The summer circus was described as a local tradition by Joe and Kathy Knox, who have been arranging the recurring event since 1983.
“Joe and I usually bring the circus to town every three years and we always donate the proceeds from it to a cause in Littleton,” she said. “This year we decided, because we’re starting the 300th planning for 2014 and there are no town funds available for it…we thought this would be a good start for them.”
Joe Knox, a Selectman, said the circus typically raises $1,500 to $2,000 for local causes through “a small percentage” of the gate and a larger cut of pre-ticket sales.
“It’s a fundraiser, but it’s a great event for the whole family,” he said. “We’ll probably have 1,500 people at the two shows combined…it’s probably the highest attended summer event in Littleton.
Kathy Knox, who is a member of the celebration committee, said the group is in early stages of planning. She said their goals include a parade, fireworks, family activities and a ball.
“We’re going to kind of brand that year as a celebration year, so if other organizations want to get involved and plan something that goes along with it, we have a theme that ties into that year to bring the community together,” she said.
Among those watching the big top go up was Littleton resident Penny McCabe and her two children. It was the first circus for 6-year-old Mave, but her older sister Molly, 8, remembered going to the last one. Both girls said their favorite part of the experience was the animals — and their mother said it’s a nice way to spend a sunny June morning.
“This is a good way to start the summer,” she said. “Going to see the circus [big top] raise and then go to the lake.”
Read more: Triennial circus hits Littleton - Littleton, MA - Littleton Independent

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