Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Circus to bring its big top to Westland Tuesday

Aug 14, 2011

By LeAnne RogersObserver Staff writer

from The Westland, Michigan Observer & Eccentric

The circus — complete with a big top tent, an aerialist, jugglers, clowns and exotic animals — is coming to Westland Tuesday.
Hosted by the Westland Jaycees, the Kelly Miller Circus will take over the parking lot between the Bailey Recreation Center and 18th District Court for performances at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
“The biggest reason we're doing this is as a fund-raiser — 100 percent of the profits will go back into the city. We've waived our management fee,” said Harold Christian, Westland Jaycees Community Development vice president.
Among the intended recipients of Westland Jaycees' fund-raising are scholarships for a male and female Wayne Westland Schools student, donations to the Michigan Humane Society, St. Jude Children's Hospital and cancer awareness programs.
It's been about 20 years since Westland has had this type of event, said Christian, who as Redford Jaycees president ran the circus fund-raiser for that group for seven years.
As it happens, the Kelly Miller Circus will be in Redford for two performances Monday before moving on to Westland for the Tuesday shows. Based in Hugo, Okla., the Kelly Miller Circus has been performing since 1938.read more: http://www.hometownlife.com/article/20110814/NEWS24/108140495

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