Saturday, August 6, 2011

Vintage circus bedazzles crowd,
A great night out for families

Janice Thiessen, Ottawa South EMC
Sophie the Fire Weaver performs an amazing feat of spinning flaming balls of fire over her head.

Posted Aug 4, 2011
By Janice Thiessen, Ottawa,South EMC
EMC Entertainment - Billings Estate hosted a vintage circus on July 27 which was a rare treat for the intimate crowd.

Performers delighted the audience with their whimsical and silly performance.

This was the last night in the star struck evening series which we host every Thursday in July," said education and interpretation program officer for Billings Estate Ashley Moores.

"This series has been a great opportunity for families to have something fun to do throughout the summer.

"We wanted to do something extra special for our last show."

The vintage circus had three acts: the first was with the cow guys who are comedian jugglers and stunt men, the second act was a fire weaving show, and lastly was a contortionist.

"I don't think the Billing's would have hosted a circus on their grounds.

"But we can imagine it is something they would have been excited to attend as a family.

"We're happy to be able to offer a similar experience in the modern day.

"It's a great way to reminisce of how communities would come out to see the circus when it came to town," she said.

The performance included audience members and was sweet and charming.

For more information on programs at Billings Estate visit contact the museum at 613-247-4830, visit or find Billings Estate on Facebook.

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