Monday, September 12, 2011

'Cirque De Legume:' Animal-Vegetable-Maniac Circus

In this image released by 59E59 Theaters, Jaimie Carswell, left, and Nancy Trotter Landry, are shown in "Cirque de Legume," performing off-Broadway at 59E59 Theaters in New York. (AP Photo/Karen Greco PR; Mark Fearon)
September 12, 2011
(AP) Flouting the age-old parental refrain, "Don't play with your food!" comes a zany Irish production called "Cirque de Legume" which is all about playing with food. Specifically, with root vegetables.
The chewing, spewing and other abuse of leafy produce has been raised to an art form by the hilarious, deliberately awkward duo performing "Cirque de Legume," which opened Sunday night off-Broadway at 59E59 Theaters as part of the yearlong 2011 Imagine Ireland festival. It's an animal-vegetable-maniac circus, laden with slapstick and humor at the expense of a basket of vegetables.
The 55-minute show was created by performers Jaimie Carswell and Nancy Trotter Landry, both professionally-trained clowns, and Pablo Ibarluzea, who directs. Their sad circus decor is one red chair adorned with a yellow star, yet Carswell and Landry cleverly employ ordinary vegetables and impeccable comedic chops to create the impression of a complete amateur circus, featuring performing animals and attempted feats of daring.
In their skilled hands and crazed imaginations, ordinary vegetables are absurdly elevated and then, usually, messily macerated. A head of Romaine lettuce becomes a howling performing dog, while Landry wields a pair of leeks like whips and several long red chili peppers like knives. Minor roles are handled by a magical potato, instrumental cucumbers and an elegant artichoke or more:

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