Wednesday, September 14, 2011

L.A. County Fair again packing a big economic punch

Cynthia Kurtz, Correspondent

Posted: 09/13/2011

IT'S that time of year again folks.

The Los Angeles County Fairgrounds (Fairplex) is a beehive of activity because the L.A. County Fair is well underway here in the San Gabriel Valley. The Fair has something for everyone - food, shopping, rides, music, entertainment and education.
Most of us think about food first when its Fair time, and yes, there is an abundance of deep-fried foods on a stick. Still, it is not exclusively a place for foods we shouldn't eat. There are over 300 food choices, including 50 food trucks that will visit the Fair this year and you'll find yogurt, smoothies, fruits and salads among the offerings.

The Doobie Brothers, Boz Scaggs, and Earth Wind and Fire are just a few of the music choices. Unfortunately, you already missed the Beach Boys show.
At the exhibits you can learn a lot about our world and our health. The "Our Body: Live Healthy" exhibit is back by popular demand, showcasing the wonders of the human body with complete cadavers.
While all the rides, exhibits, circus acts and animals are fun, these aren't the only exciting things about having the Fair nearby. There is also a lot of buying and selling that generates economic activity and creates jobs for the San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles County and California. An estimated 1.4 million residents and visitors will attend the L.A. County Fair between Sept. 3 and Oct. 2. Every chocolate-covered banana someone eats, stuffed lion toy someone wins and concert someone hears drives our economy and produces jobs. read more:

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