Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sound Off caller not happy circus came to town

By MARY PEREZ Sun Herald

A writer to Sound Off doesn’t like the sound -- or the smells -- of a circus in his backyard.
It’s been six years since Hurricane Katrina wiped out the drugstore and movie theater on the property on U.S. 90 east of Veterans Avenue and across from the new Shaggy’s in Biloxi.
The writer questioned a circus being permitted next to a residential Area.
Jerry Creel, Biloxi’s community development director, said the zoning on that vacant parcel allows a circus and most of the property along Beach Boulevard is zoned for major commercial.
“One of the requests we get all the time is to bring family entertainment to Biloxi,” he said. “It’s only going to be there two to three days.”
Cole Bros. Circus of the Stars will perform two shows each day on Wednesday and Thursday.
The Sound Off writer also objected to limbs from his Live oak tree being cut to make way for the circus trucks.
Creel said if limbs are hanging over onto another property, city ordinance allows them to be trimmed.
The city doesn’t get complaints from neighbors when the circus is held at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum, Creel said.
This year, the Coliseum is hosting “Disney Live!” on Friday. Matt McDonnell, assistant executive director, said he asked Cole Brothers to change the dates so the circus wouldn’t conflict with another family show. “They were unable to do so,” he said.
McDonnell said the Cole Brothers circus returns the grounds to the original condition when they leave and said he hopes the circus will come back to the Coliseum in the future.Read more:

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