Wednesday, September 21, 2011

St. Joseph County Grange Fair promises fun all week in Centreville

Sam Crago, 5, of Coloma, and his sister Moeko, 3, found no shortage of interest from some goats ready for a snack of carrots during Sunday's opening day of the 161st St. Joseph County Grange Fair. The Centreville-based event was projected to draw more than 20,000 people Sunday.

Monday, September 19, 2011

By Jef Rietsma Special to the Kalamazoo Gazette

CENTREVILLE — Sunday’s opening day of the 161st St. Joseph County Grange Fair was promoted as Family Day, and most of the estimated more than 20,000 people stayed true to the theme.
Blessed with warm and sunny weather for most of the afternoon, families were out in force. It was the first time for many to the Centreville-based fair. For others, Sunday marked the continuation of a long-established tradition.
“Let’s see, we have my two daughters, two nieces, and my husband is here, so that makes six of us, and we can agree that this is the best fair around. ... We never miss it,” said Maureen Krichke, a Vicksburg resident. “We love to see the animals, the petting zoo is one of our stops and before we leave, it’s ice cream for the ride home.”Though it’s only his third St. Joseph County Grange Fair, Craig Nedderman, of South Bend, Ind., said he foresees a long-term relationship with the second-to-last county fair in Michigan. He was busy from the start Sunday, manning the Nedderman’s Rib Tips stand.
Nedderman said he has a loyal following at the Elkhart and St. Joseph county fairs in Indiana. Blessed to be in a high-traffic location and savvy enough to grill his steak outside his trailer, Nedderman said people catch a whiff of the grilled meat and quickly find the source.
”We’ve been doing this 20 years in Indiana and now here in Michigan for just a few years; we love coming to Centreville, we have made some great friendships here and we’re looking forward to another great week in St. Joseph County,” Nedderman said.READ MORE:

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