Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Big Fresno Fair kicks off with rainy skies

Mood remains high despite damp forecast.

JOHN WALKER / THE FRESNO BEE - Under cloudy skies Tuesday, Bob Williams, owner of Midway attraction "Fire Fly Water Race," washes dirt off his awnings as he prepares for the opening of The Big Fresno Fair on Wednesday. The National Weather Service says the worst of the rain today may be over by the time the fair opens at 2 p.m.

By Paula Lloyd / The Fresno Bee

Tuesday, Oct. 04, 2011
The rain that's forecast for opening day of The Big Fresno Fair is really a blessing in disguise.
At least that's what fair CEO John Alkire says – his way of finding a silver lining in a dark cloud.
"It's our natural water truck from the good Lord," Alkire said. "It keeps the dust down and keeps everything clean."
Raindrops may keep the dust down, but they also may dampen attendance, which last year totaled more than 22,000 on an opening day of light rain.
"It will hurt us on opening day, but we should pick back up if the weather improves," Alkire said Tuesday as workers rushed to finish final preparations.
The National Weather Service forecasts 100% chance of rain Wednesday, but the worst could be over by the time the fair opens at 2 p.m.Read more:

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