Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bill Prickett......Continuing our story about Joe Frisco, Sr......

Joe took Dumbo to Nassau to participate in the Florida State Univ.Flying High Circus on May 2, 1989.

Dumbo and Felicia (Terry Frisco's daughter), 2009, in Marett, GA.

.Terry Frisco and Dumbo painting, about 2006

Dumbo, Felicia and Terry Frisco, Waco, TX, 1996 or 1997

Tim, Joe, Jr., and Joe,Sr., Janet on Great American, about 1994

Dumbo, Gina, Joyce,

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Dumbo, Gina, Joyce, with Felicia and Terry Frisco, Mayfield, KY

Joe, Sr., has been sharing alot of information and photos with me these past two weeks. I am going to stop at this point becauseJoe, Sr., is in the process of writing a book about his life and family. Hopefully he can get it published in the next 18 months.

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