Sunday, October 30, 2011

Circus performs today

By Chandler Myers

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Atmore, AL--Exotic animals and thrilling performers are taking over the field behind the Atmore Area YMCA today as the Lewis & Clark Circus will present two performances this afternoon for the Atmore community.
The circus, which arrived on FridaEy and put on two performances Friday night, features several different acts that include camels, tigers, aerialists and flamenco dancers.
Atmore’s YMCA sponsors the circus’ performances and also uses the show as a fundraiser.
With use of the land, the circus allows the YMCA to bring in some revenue from the event that tends to draw a crowd, Atmore Area YMCA manager Ross Terry said.
“It’s a fundraiser that we put on every two years,” he said. “Lewis & Clark contacts us to find out if we are interested, and they take care of the work with advertising and getting word out. We provide the space for the event and earn a certain amount of revenue from the ticket sales.”
Lewis & Clark visits all of the schools in the area and provides a free ticket for one child with the requirement that the child is accompanied by an adult, who must purchase a ticket.
Even with this requirement, the event usually brings in a large group for each performance, Terry said.
“The attendance is usually strong,” he said. “The last show two years ago drew a great crowd. We are hoping this year’s show will bring in a good crowd to help us raise some funds to help us here at the YMCA.”
Tickets to the circus are $10 with the shows running today at 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
The funzone at the circus will open one hour before showtime, and the performances will take place rain or shine.

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