Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sheriff PIO: Be Aware at the Fair

But fair official says fair has more law enforcement per square foot than any Charleston-area neighborhood.

By Lindsay Street
October 28, 2011
Summeville, SC-- While Dorchester County Sheriff PIO Maj. John Garrison warned Coastal Carolina Fair patrons to maintain vigilance, fair spokesman Joe Bolchoz said safety at the fair is higher than most neighborhoods — whether that's from tripping hazards or from hooligans.
In a short statement on keeping safe at the fair, Garrison wrote:
"People need to be aware of their surroundings and take basic safety precautions. When you park, do not leave valuables where they can be seen and lock your vehicle. Please maintain control of small children. There are so many ways for small children to get injured or lost so parents need to realize that it is their responsibility to be the parent and control where their children go and how they behave. Do not drink and drive and be respectful of others coming and going to the fair. Have fun but be responsible."
The fair hires off-duty law enforcement officers to work during the 10-day event, according to Bolchoz.
"Is the fair safe? The answer to that is yes, and I say that without reservation," Bolchoz said, adding that the fair volunteers work year-round to improve safety at the fair.

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