Sunday, November 20, 2011

Broward County Fair offers screams, animals and fried food

Annual fair is back at the Pembroke Pines City Center, where it has plenty of room for rides, shows and even a water buffalo

By Eileen Soler

Special to The Miami Herald

Elvira the pot bellied pig, Bubba the longhorn steer and the aptly named Elsie, a milking cow, are among hundreds of VICs (Very Important Critters) at this year’s Broward County Fair.
There are also chickens for bathing, guinea pigs for racing, a camel for riding, and a water buffalo for — well, you can figure that one out when you get there.
“Animal exhibits, rides, funnel cake. The county fair is always something special to look forward to and this year its all that and more,” said Bob Mertz, of Plantation, in tow with his family of five.
Mertz has been to the fair every year since 1981 — even the leanest year in 2009 when it was scaled to bare bones for lack of a real home. Then, at a Pompano Beach shopping plaza, there was no room for rides or animal shows.
Now, packed into 115 acres at the City Center at Pembroke Pines, the old-fashioned American fair tradition is back with all the attractions:
Screams pierce the night, coming from rides that twist and turn. Food vendors dole out carnival delicacies, such as candy apples, cotton candy and deep fried anything.
“Some people go to fairs just to eat their way through the place,’’ said fair spokeswoman Caron Conway.Read more:

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