Friday, November 11, 2011

Circus bosses charged with cruelty towards Europe's oldest elephant


Two circus owners have been charged with animal cruelty over alleged abuse of Europe’s oldest elephant.
Bobby and Moira Roberts, 68 and 72, are accused of causing unnecessary suffering to 59-year-old Asian elephant Anne.
Secretly filmed footage by charity Animal Defenders International appears to show Anne in chains being hit with a pitchfork by a former groom.
Advertisement >> Moira, of Polebrook, ­Northants, said yesterday the allegations had put the couple under “strain”.
She said: “It is frustrating. The groom fled the country. No one knows where he is.”
Anne now lives in a 13-acre paddock in Longleat Safari Park, Wilts. A park spokesman said: “She is very happy.”
The Roberts will appear in court on November 16.Read more:

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