Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ringling Brothers committed to animal care

By Letters to the Editor/The News of Cumberland County, NJ

Published: Tuesday, December 06, 2011

To the Editor:(This letter is written in response to a Dec. 2 letter in The News, “Circus fine just cost of doing business.”)
For over 141 years, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus has been showcasing the most amazing talent from around the world. Clowns, jugglers and tightrope walkers are all a part of The Greatest Show On Earth. Animals have also been an integral part of Ringling Bros. throughout the years and they are consistently one of the main reasons families keep coming back, year after year.
The animals in Ringling Bros. Circus act as ambassadors of their species in the wild, and millions of children have had a chance to see, learn about, and grow to love these animals, moving them to fight for their survival in the wild through conservation efforts. Imagine what ramifications taking that connection away from future generations would have on the future of elephants and tigers.
Ringling Bros. and the USDA are committed to working together to move forward in presenting Ringling Bros.’ animals to the millions of families who come to see them every year. Our agreement is in keeping with federal regulations like the Animal Welfare Act, which sets rules for the animal care in circuses. Ringling Bros. is inspected by federal authorities, as well as state and local officials in almost every single city we visit.
Our commitment remains to our animals’ welfare and to children of all ages’ enjoyment and love for these amazing animals.
Ashley SmithFeld Entertainment, Inc.

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