Sunday, January 1, 2012


Time is running out to ban the use of wild animals in travelling circuses

By Ted Jeory

Sunday January 1,2012

TIME is running out to ban the use of wild animals in travelling circuses, a senior Tory warned last night.Mark Pritchard, secretary of the party’s 1922 Committee, said a court decision in Europe had undermined one of the key arguments used by the Government when it rejected a Commons vote for a ban last summer.
The influential MP said the issue had become so serious that it would affect the reputation of the Coalition.
He said: “The Government is rapidly running out of excuses not to implement a ban.
“If they choose to ignore the will of Parliament it will signal the end of the ‘new politics’ the Coalition trumpeted when it came to power.”
Mr Pritchard’s warning came after 14 Austrian judges rejected an appeal by a German circus, which had complained that a ban on using wild animals in Austria was unlawful. The case, brought by Munich’s Circus Krone, had been an important part of the argument used by the Government to reject a Commons vote in favour of a ban last summer.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs had argued that a successful challenge in Austria could have implications for any law in ­Britain.
At the time, legal experts had doubts about Defra’s argument. The decision by Austria’s highest court 11 days ago, when judges declared animal welfare issues were of “significant public interest”, has reopened the debate.
Yesterday Defra said it would study the ruling and pointed out that an appeal by Circus Krone was still possible. It said it had not ruled out a ban but would press ahead with its preferred alternative, a “robust” licensing regime.
Labour said it would demand that Animal Welfare Minister Jim Paice should explain Defra’s position at Commons Questions on January 16.
Shadow Environment Minister Gavin Shuker said: “Now that the Austrian court has thrown this case out, ministers should listen to the overwhelming voice of Parliament and the public and get on with bringing in a ban as soon as possible.”
Two animal welfare groups, the Captive Animals’ Protection Society and the Born Free Foundation, are threatening to launch a judicial review of the Government’s stance.
Last June MPs from all parties ­demanded legislation for a ban within a year after a public outcry over the use of elephants, tigers and other wild animals in British circuses.
After undercover footage showed Anne, an elderly elephant at the Bobby Roberts Circus, being beaten by a worker, the Sunday Express revealed in April that Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman had said she was “minded” to implement a ban.
However, days later she performed her own U-turn after pressure from Downing Street. Her department said a ban would be fraught with legal ­difficulties.

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