Sunday, March 18, 2012

A great Western tradition - the Circus

Uploaded by NTDTV on Dec 2, 2008

Since its foundation more than two hundred years ago it has remained in the hands of one and the same family the Knies whose youngest and oldest members alike take an active part in circus life. The act performed by Director Freddy Knie and his small grandson bears witness to this fact.

The Knie Circus offers the public a whole range of acts by more than 200 artists of international standing

The show remains focused, however, on the two fundamental elements in western circus tradition: the dressage and the clown. ....

The Knie family is particularly renowned for dressage. To manage a successful act with the horses usually requires from one to two years. For Freddy Knie, the Circus Director, dressage is far from being a simple technical matter that reduces the animal to forced obedience.....

A clowns act takes place beyond words; with great presence of mind, flexibility and intuition.

I improvise a lot and play with the audience, I see how the audience reacts and then involve them. This could [prove to be] difficult. Yes but I am crazy I love it its a challenge.

Fumagalli, Italian clown

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