Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tonight, Moisture Festival presents Circles Of Sawdust, a presentation on “the mud, the myth, and the mayhem of circus” by Circus Smirkus founder Rob Mermin. 
March 26, 2012

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Seattle, WA--Mermin is an award-winning performer, with Copenhagen’s Gold Clown, Russia’s Best Director Prize, and the Governor’s Award of Excellence, Vermont’s highest honor in the arts. Mermin trained with the renowned mimes Marcel Marceau and Etienne Decroux, and is also a former Dean of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College. In 1987, he founded Circus Smirkus, a non-profit, award-winning international youth circus with the mission to promote the skills, culture and traditions of the traveling circus and to inspire youth to engage in life-changing adventures in the circus arts. In other words, he’s spent a good number of years actively encouraging kids to run away and join the circus. 

His presentation will not only draw on his history with the circus, but will also include rare European film footage and clips from Hollywood circus films. If you’ve any interest in the big top, consider this Circus 101.
Tonight 7:30 p.m. // Hale’s Palladium // Free (Donations Accepted)

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