Saturday, April 21, 2012

Small circuses in small towns - a risky business?
By Julie Hanan
April 20, 2012
Summer’s right around the corner and, for many small towns, that means the circus will be coming to town.  Along with the peanuts and popcorn, here come some wild animals.  And that’s when the controversy begins.

Next month, Highlands Ranch, Colorado will be hosting the Carson & Barnes Circus.   Located in Douglas County, this town is recognized as being one of the most family-friendly communities in Colorado. They, like many other towns across the US, have chosen to host the circus as a "family entertainment community event."
Though many of the smaller circuses traveling the country may have questionable reputations, towns can be lured by the potential revenue to their city coffers.  When an appearance by the Kelly Circus (sister circus of Carson & Barnes) was pitched to Laconia, NH, a potential profit of $9,000 was projected for the city.
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