Saturday, May 19, 2012

Circus pulls disappearing act

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.A small circus which was slated to put on a pair of shows Friday night instead left town after not being able to secure the necessary permits. 
Hannibal Courier-Post
Posted May 18, 2012
Hannibal, MO — A small circus, scheduled to entertain young and old alike in Hannibal during a pair of Friday performances, instead pulled a disappearing act, leaving town only hours after arriving.
 The circus was to have staged shows at 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. in an open field just west of Clemens Field.
“We thought it would be a cool deal and the town really wanted it,” said John Civitate, general manager of the Hannibal Cavemen, noting that the baseball team’s offices were flooded throughout the day Friday by calls from those wondering what was going on. Calls were also received at the Courier-Post and Hannibal Parks & Recreation Department.
 The circus rolled into town early Friday morning, according to Civitate.
“I looked out at 6:45 a.m. and there were horses and semis in the field,” he said.
 Circus personnel wanted to begin setting up immediately, but Civitate would not allow them to until he got confirmation that their insurance was valid.
 The circus also rolled into town Friday without having secured city and county licenses, and approval from the county Health Department. Before a show could occur an inspector from the Fire Department would have had to do a walkthrough. The city also needed to see proof of liability insurance.
“All that takes time,” said Becky Graves, deputy city clerk.
 According to Graves, a representative from the circus showed up at City Hall Friday morning.
“We told them what they needed,” she said. “They went upstairs to start the process. Later, John (Civitate) called and said they had pulled out.”
 “I just stepped out the door and they were gone,” said Civitate. “I guess there was too much footwork, I don’t know.”

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