Monday, June 18, 2012

Art meets the holy as cathedrals host circus act
A gravity defying circus act is to be staged inside some of the country’s most awe inspiring cathedrals, as part of the cultural festival accompanying the London 2012 Olympics.
By Patrick Sawer
17 Jun 2012
How Like an Angel was conceived after Ruth MacKenzie, the director of the London 2012 Festival, approached Jonathan Holloway, who was running the Norfolk and Norwich Festival at the time, about staging a performance in a public space.
Many who have knelt in quiet prayer and contemplation in our great cathedrals have been moved to gaze heavenwards at the vaulting ceiling of the nave, as if seeking guidance from above.
What they do not usually expect to see is a woman dressed in a revealing white leotard, entwined in long black sheets writhing around to the strains of an angelic chorus.
 But that is the heavenly apparition that will greet visitors to Norwich, Ely, Ripon and Gloucester cathedrals over the next few weeks.
 As part of the London 2012 Festival being held to coincide with the Olympics, those four churches will be the setting for How Like An Angel, an hour long performance by the Australian circus company Circa, and the acclaimed British choir I Fagiolini.
The highlight of the show will be the air-born rope ballet of Circa’s performers, dangling 12 metres above the floor of the nave.
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