Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Carson and Barnes performs for North Platte 

FROM:   The North Platte Bulletin 
by Nikolas Knapp  
Big elephants stood on their hind legs and gave the ringmaster high fives Monday when the Carson and Barnes Circus came to North Platte. 
The circus performed under a big red tent at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds. 
A tight rope walker did a handstand on a chair that was perched on a bouncing rope high above the crowd. A South American man showed his flexibility, bending and twisting his entire body in different ways.

Dogs performed tricks, putting their front paws each other’s shoulders and walking in single file. A world-famous hula-hooper amazed the crowd by twirling 44 hoops on her hips at one time. The hoops were tossed on her by two assistants, first one at a time, then 10 at a time. 
During intermission, a petting zoo and concessions were open. People petted llamas, rode on their choice of a camel or two elephants. There was an opportunity to have a photo taken with an entertaining clown, Alex.
Alex Acero appeared randomly, keeping the crowd in hysterics. While the tight ropers were getting ready, he and his partner did comical dances to “All The Single Ladies,” and “I’m Sexy and I Know It.” The crowd roared. Another time, he jumped off the trampoline onto a diving board and bounced back. 
Acero is called “The King of Circus Comedy” on the circus. Born in Brazil, he was once on Clown Alley with Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus, and has performed on The Boardwalk at Atlantic City, according the circus website. 


The elephants performed just before intermission, turning around twice in a complete circle upon command. The elephants also stood on small stands and raised their front legs on command
The circus had souvenirs -- coloring books and glow sticks, and people enjoyed cotton candy and popcorn. The concession stands also offered snow cones, pretzel sticks and funnel cakes to name a few. The two-hour circus was filled with fun.

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Carson & Barnes Circus is the biggest outfit operating under canvas in the United States. It moves with the dawn and heads down the road to the next stop. More than 200 times during the 2012 season, Carson & Barnes Circus will pick and move, set up and perform until fall, when they go home to Hugo, Okla.
Two shows were held in North Platte, at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The seats were three-fourths full for the 4:30 p.m. show. 

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